Feb 27, 2005


Here are some ideas I sketched up for the cardboard furniture line, I really like the dark one...but I"m still working on ideas. Posted by Hello

Feb 23, 2005

New Venture

I'm taking a temporary break from the whole Marc and Ty's scheme for a little while to work on an independent project. Currently I am working with the Mies van der Rohe Society to bring a line of products to the public. So far we are just working on a wristband, like "Armstrong", but with the saying "What Would Mies Do?" It's a clever rebirth of 2 past trends that will hopefully strike a cord with many local architects.
It all started one night while I was working at Crown Hall trying to get my drawing done for the next day and someone walked by with an "Armstrong" bracelet on. I started thinking about the trend and remembered how popular the "WWJD" bands were in middle school. It was about 2:00 AM and I laughed to myself and thought "What would Mies Do? Would he keep drafting, or would he just quit and go home?" I decided it had potential so the following weekend I started studying how much it would cost to make the bands. After determining it was possible I figured I needed help, so I E-mailed the director of marketing at the Mies Society and set up a meeting for the following Monday.
It was the first meeting I ever had to attend on my own. I've been to meeting before but always had someone there by my side to help me out. Needless to say I was nervous. I started thinking my idea wasn't really good and what if I wasn't prepared. I talked to my family a lot and they helped calm me down and prepare me for my meeting. I printed up analysis sheets and a meeting agenda so that I would know what to say at the meeting. The meeting went great. Justine, the marketing director, made me feel comfortable and made my first meeting a great experience. She loved the idea and she has thinking about an entire line of "WWMD" merchandise. We are reconvening next week to discuss our options and where to go from here.

Current Ideas:
Mies face Cufflinks
Mies face Tie Tack
Mies face drawn Tie